Monday, October 21, 2013

10-21-13: Over 2,000 Patriots Turn Out to Confront Westboro Cult in Oregon

FSM video  picks + 2012 site

Army Ranger PFC Cody Patterson

·  Over 2,000 Patriots Turn Out to Confront Westboro Cult in Oregon

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·  FEEL GOOD STORY:Aunt Organizes Facebook Event to Confront Nephew's Bully at School

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·  Greg Gutfeld Slams Chris Noth and Chris Matthews for Racist Attack on Tea Party


·  Mark Levin: Obama Trying To Rule With An ‘Iron Fist'

poor family usa

·  CNBC: ObamaCare Forcing America Into Part-Time Society


·  Southern Baptist groups fight contraception mandate

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·  Senator Ted Cruz Refuses to Rule Out Another Gov't Shutdown in Struggle to Stop Obamacare

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·  Which Democrat Senator Said: Strong Leadership Is Not President Obama's ‘Style'

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·  U.S. Uncovers new terror threats from Al Shabab

In Case You Missed It

·  SHAMEFUL: MSNBC's Ed Schultz Attacks War Veteran

·  Obama's Jay Carney Mocks Reporter When Pressed on Congress' Benghazi Investigation

·  RUSH: Why Does GOP Focus On Ted Cruz And Not ‘Incompetent' Obama?

obama_ finger pointed up

·  Obama: Stop Focusing On Activists, 'Bloggers,' and 'Talking Heads on Radio'

palin 2013

·  Sarah Palin: Americans 'losers' after the debt fight


·  Investigators: U.S. forces ill-prepared eve of Benghazi attack

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·  Rep. Louie Gohmert Fires Back Hard at John McCain, Who Accused Him of Having ‘No Intelligence'


·  Mark Steyn: ‘The governing institutions of the United States are utterly repulsive and disgusting'

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·  Fatal bullying case: No remorse for total disregard for life for 12 year old girl


·  WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Video Shows Kenya Mall Terrorists Stopping To Pray During Mass Murder

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FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Furloughed Workers Required to Pay Back Unemployment

Nearly 50,000 federal employees filed for unemployment checks

An Exaggerated Fear of Terrorism

The first thing to remember is that terrorism is the tactic of the weak. It is what militants do when they can't do anything else.

Pakistan, school textbooks teach its okay to kill Christians

In a report by the Middle East Media Research discriminatory books are widespread in all public primary schools . By law, Christians are forced to study these texts.

Rob Eshman and His Endorsement of Saul Alinsky

Rob Eshman issued the following statement to serve as an apology for a vile cartoon comparing Tea Partiers with Islamic terrorists.

John Locke and Liberty

English philosopher John Locke formulated and honed the ideas that the Founders put into practice.

Recognizing the Real Conservative/Liberal Battle Line

Thus, as the Democrats shifted left, so did a major portion of the Republican Party.

Pope Francis Addresses the Role of Women in the 'Mother' Church, Starting with Mary

She is considered the first and model Christian, and since Catholics believe she lives on in Heaven, they turn to her to pray for them and offer support in hard times.

The Art of the Impossible

The strategy to repeal Obamacare by winning serial elections is not even a Hail Mary pass.

Requiem for a Bloody, Phony Peace

In discussing Israel's Oslo negotiating partner, the PLO, former Israeli ambassador Yoram Ettinger in person stated that "leopards do not change spots," but rather "they change tactics."

Who is Heather Zichal?

Ms. Zichal has managed to maintain a very low profile during her White House career.

The Cato Institute Minimum Deterrence Report

The study entitled "The End of Overkill?" by Benjamin Friedman, Christopher Preble and Matt Fay, is an attack on nuclear deterrence.


The Ten Worst Liberal Ideas Ever Conceived

For many years, liberals have conjured up with all sorts of ideas on how to make the world a better place.

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